Grade Change Log API

Query audit log of grade change events.

For each endpoint, a compound document is returned. The primary collection of event objects is paginated, ordered by date descending. Secondary collections of assignments, courses, students and graders related to the returned events are also included. Refer to the Assignment, Courses, and Users APIs for descriptions of the objects in those collections.

A GradeChangeEventLinks object looks like:

  // ID of the assignment associated with the event
  "assignment": 2319,
  // ID of the course associated with the event. will match the context_id in the
  // associated assignment if the context type for the assignment is a course
  "course": 2319,
  // ID of the student associated with the event. will match the user_id in the
  // associated submission.
  "student": 2319,
  // ID of the grader associated with the event. will match the grader_id in the
  // associated submission.
  "grader": 2319,
  // ID of the page view during the event if it exists.
  "page_view": "e2b76430-27a5-0131-3ca1-48e0eb13f29b"

A GradeChangeEvent object looks like:

  // ID of the event.
  "id": "e2b76430-27a5-0131-3ca1-48e0eb13f29b",
  // timestamp of the event
  "created_at": "2012-07-19T15:00:00-06:00",
  // GradeChange event type
  "event_type": "grade_change",
  // Boolean indicating whether the submission was excused after the change.
  "excused_after": true,
  // Boolean indicating whether the submission was excused before the change.
  "excused_before": false,
  // The grade after the change.
  "grade_after": "8",
  // The grade before the change.
  "grade_before": "8",
  // Boolean indicating whether the student name was visible when the grade was
  // given. Could be null if the grade change record was created before this
  // feature existed.
  "graded_anonymously": true,
  // Version Number of the grade change submission.
  "version_number": "1",
  // The unique request id of the request during the grade change.
  "request_id": "e2b76430-27a5-0131-3ca1-48e0eb13f29b",
  "links": null

Query by assignment GradeChangeAuditApiController#for_assignment

GET /api/v1/audit/grade_change/assignments/:assignment_id

Scope: url:GET|/api/v1/audit/grade_change/assignments/:assignment_id

List grade change events for a given assignment.

Request Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
start_time DateTime

The beginning of the time range from which you want events.

end_time DateTime

The end of the time range from which you want events.

Returns a list of GradeChangeEvents

Query by course GradeChangeAuditApiController#for_course

GET /api/v1/audit/grade_change/courses/:course_id

Scope: url:GET|/api/v1/audit/grade_change/courses/:course_id

List grade change events for a given course.

Request Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
start_time DateTime

The beginning of the time range from which you want events.

end_time DateTime

The end of the time range from which you want events.

Returns a list of GradeChangeEvents

Query by student GradeChangeAuditApiController#for_student

GET /api/v1/audit/grade_change/students/:student_id

Scope: url:GET|/api/v1/audit/grade_change/students/:student_id

List grade change events for a given student.

Request Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
start_time DateTime

The beginning of the time range from which you want events.

end_time DateTime

The end of the time range from which you want events.

Returns a list of GradeChangeEvents

Query by grader GradeChangeAuditApiController#for_grader

GET /api/v1/audit/grade_change/graders/:grader_id

Scope: url:GET|/api/v1/audit/grade_change/graders/:grader_id

List grade change events for a given grader.

Request Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
start_time DateTime

The beginning of the time range from which you want events.

end_time DateTime

The end of the time range from which you want events.

Returns a list of GradeChangeEvents

Advanced query GradeChangeAuditApiController#query

GET /api/v1/audit/grade_change

Scope: url:GET|/api/v1/audit/grade_change

List grade change events satisfying all given parameters. Teachers may query for events in courses they teach. Queries without course_id require account administrator rights.

At least one of course_id, assignment_id, student_id, or grader_id must be specified.

Request Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
course_id integer

Restrict query to events in the specified course.

assignment_id integer

Restrict query to the given assignment. If “override” is given, query the course final grade override instead.

student_id integer

User id of a student to search grading events for.

grader_id integer

User id of a grader to search grading events for.

start_time DateTime

The beginning of the time range from which you want events.

end_time DateTime

The end of the time range from which you want events.

Returns a list of GradeChangeEvents