How to create a new Data Stream

  1. Click on +ADD button to launch a new subscription form
  2. Add Subscription Name - use a distinct name to identify your subscription purpose or type e.g : Blackboard Ally Integration
  3. Choose Delivery Method
  4. SQS - AWS Simple Queue Services
    • URL - aws sqs endpoint URL
    • Authentication via IAM User Key and Secret is supported but optional . When using Key and Secret for your SQS please provide the region

Your new subscription will be listed on the Settings page . You will be able to edit, duplicate or deactivate your new subscription record by going to each stream right side kebab menu.

SQS configuration

  1. In the Amazon Web Services console, open the Simple Queue Service (SQS) console by typing the name in the Services field. When Simple Queue Service displays in the list, click the name.
  2. In the Amazon SQS console, click the Create New Queue button
  3. Enter a name for the queue. The name of the queue must begin with canvas-live-events.
  4. By default, Standard Queue will be selected
    • To create a queue with the default settings, click the Quick-Create Queue button. To configure additional queue parameters, click the Configure Queue button. Note: FIFO Queues are not currently supported.
  5. Open Queue Permissions
  6. Select the checkbox next to the name of your queue. In the queue details area, click the Permissions tab
  7. In the permission details window, select the Allow radio button
  8. In the Principal field, enter the account number 636161780776. This account number is required for the queue to receive Live Events data
  9. Select the All SQS Actions checkbox
  10. Click the Add Permission button

How to Use the Events

To determine ways in which you can make use of different types of events requires that you ask a specific business question and seek its answer by collecting and visualizing data. Here are some of the questions our clients ask when they are considering using our Live Events service.

Assessment (Quiz) Submissions

Tracking patterns using the old quizzes events will allow instructors to understand more about how students are interacting with their assessments.

User Sessions

A session is a group of user interactions in the Canvas Learning Platform that take place within a given timeframe, e.g. a single session can contain multiple page views, submission events, discussion entries, and assignment content interaction. We can think of a session as a container for the actions a user takes in Canvas. A single user can open multiple sessions. Those sessions can occur on the same day, or over several days, weeks, or months. Sessions are limited based on time limit.

Course assignments and submissions

This event data could help instructors to gather insight about the relationship between students and their assignments.

Course content

This event data could help administration to assess the account course content changes on a periodic basis.