

Definition: The event is emitted anytime a outcome is created in the account by an end user or API request.

Trigger: Triggered when a new learning outcome is created.

Payload Example:

  "metadata": {
    "event_name": "learning_outcome_created",
    "event_time": "2019-11-05T10:03:37.526Z",
    "job_id": "1020020528469291",
    "job_tag": "Canvas::Migration::Worker::CourseCopyWorker#perform",
    "producer": "canvas",
    "root_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "root_account_lti_guid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs.oxana.instructure.com",
    "root_account_uuid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs"
  "body": {
    "calculation_int": 65,
    "calculation_method": "highest",
    "context_id": "1234",
    "context_type": "Course",
    "description": "Develop understanding of molecular and cell biology.",
    "display_name": "Learn molecular biology",
    "learning_outcome_id": "12345",
    "short_description": "Molecular biology knowledge",
    "title": "Molecular biology knowledge",
    "vendor_guid": "1",
    "workflow_state": "active",
    "rubric_criterion": {
      "description": "Molecular biology knowledge",
      "mastery_points": 2,
      "points_possible": 3,
      "ratings": [
          "description": "The student shows fluency.",
          "points": 3
          "description": "The student shows proficiency.",
          "points": 2
          "description": "The student understands the fundamentals.",
          "points": 1
          "description": "The student does not meet the requirements.",
          "points": 0

Event Body Schema

Field Description
calculation_int Defines the variable value used by the calculation_method. Included only if calculation_method uses it.
calculation_method The method used to calculate student score.
context_id The ID of the context the learning_outcome is used in.
context_type The type of context the learning_outcome is used in.
description Description of the outcome.
display_name Optional friendly name for reporting.
learning_outcome_id The local Canvas ID of the learning outcome.
short_description Also the title of the outcome.
title The title of the learning outcome or learning outcome group.
vendor_guid A custom GUID for the learning standard.
workflow_state Workflow status of the learning outcome (e.g. active, deleted).
rubric_criterion file.data_service_canvas_learning.html


Definition: The event is emitted anytime a new outcome group is created in the account by an end user or API request.

Trigger: Triggered when a new group of learning outcomes is created.

Payload Example:

  "metadata": {
    "event_name": "learning_outcome_group_created",
    "event_time": "2019-11-01T18:42:34.373Z",
    "job_id": "1020020528469291",
    "job_tag": "OutcomeImport#run",
    "producer": "canvas",
    "root_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "root_account_lti_guid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs.oxana.instructure.com",
    "root_account_uuid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs"
  "body": {
    "context_id": "32054",
    "context_type": "Course",
    "description": "<h3>Outcome</h3>Hello outcome",
    "learning_outcome_group_id": "75033",
    "parent_outcome_group_id": "75032",
    "title": "Official Standards for K-12 Math Education",
    "vendor_guid": "123",
    "workflow_state": "active"

Event Body Schema

Field Description
context_id The ID of the context the learning outcome is used in.
context_type The type of context the learning outcome is used in, usually Course.
description Description of the learnning outcome group.
learning_outcome_group_id The local Canvas ID of the learning outcome group.
parent_outcome_group_id The local Canvas ID of the group's parent outcome group.
title Title of the learning outcome group.
vendor_guid A custom GUID for the learning standard.
workflow_state Workflow status of the learning outcome group, defaults to active.


Definition: The event is emitted anytime an existing outcome group is updated by an end user or API request. Only changes to the fields included in the body of the event payload will emit the updated event.

Trigger: Triggered when a group of learning outcomes is modified.

Payload Example:

  "metadata": {
    "event_name": "learning_outcome_group_updated",
    "event_time": "2019-11-01T13:49:07.504Z",
    "job_id": "1020020528469291",
    "job_tag": "OutcomeImport#run",
    "producer": "canvas",
    "root_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "root_account_lti_guid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs.oxana.instructure.com",
    "root_account_uuid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs"
  "body": {
    "context_id": "32054",
    "context_type": "Course",
    "description": "<h3>Outcome</h3>Hello outcome",
    "learning_outcome_group_id": "75033",
    "parent_outcome_group_id": "75032",
    "title": "Official Standards for K-12 Math Education",
    "updated_at": "2019-11-05T13:38:00.218Z",
    "vendor_guid": "123",
    "workflow_state": "active"

Event Body Schema

Field Description
context_id The ID of the context the learning outcome is used in.
context_type The type of context the learning outcome is used in, usually Course.
description Description of the learnning outcome group.
learning_outcome_group_id The local Canvas ID of the learning outcome group.
parent_outcome_group_id The local Canvas ID of the group's parent outcome group.
title Title of the learning outcome group.
updated_at The time at which this group was last modified in any way.
vendor_guid A custom GUID for the learning standard.
workflow_state Workflow status of the learning outcome group, defaults to active.

Definition: The event is emitted anytime an outcome is linked to a context by an end user or API request. Only changes to the fields included in the body of the event payload will emit the updated event.

Trigger: Triggered when an outcome is linked inside of a context.

Payload Example:

  "metadata": {
    "client_ip": "",
    "context_account_id": "21070000000000079",
    "context_id": "21070000000000565",
    "context_role": "TeacherEnrollment",
    "context_sis_source_id": "2017.100.101.101-1",
    "context_type": "Course",
    "event_name": "learning_outcome_link_created",
    "event_time": "2019-11-01T19:12:01.333Z",
    "hostname": "oxana.instructure.com",
    "http_method": "POST",
    "producer": "canvas",
    "referrer": "https://oxana.instructure.com/courses/565/outcomes",
    "request_id": "1dd9dc6f-2fb0-4c19-a6c5-7ee1bf3ed295",
    "root_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "root_account_lti_guid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs.oxana.instructure.com",
    "root_account_uuid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs",
    "session_id": "ef686f8ed684abf78cbfa1f6a58112b5",
    "time_zone": "America/Sao_Paulo",
    "url": "https://oxana.instructure.com/api/v1/courses/565/outcome_groups/123456/outcomes",
    "user_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36",
    "user_id": "21070000000000001",
    "user_login": "oxana@example.com",
    "user_sis_id": "456-T45"
  "body": {
    "context_id": "565",
    "context_type": "Course",
    "learning_outcome_group_id": "123456",
    "learning_outcome_id": "1201234",
    "learning_outcome_link_id": "12345678",
    "workflow_state": "active"

Event Body Schema

Field Description
context_id The Canvas ID of the context the learning outcome is used in.
context_type The type of context the learning outcome is used in, usually Course.
learning_outcome_group_id The local Canvas id of the related learning outcome group.
learning_outcome_id The local Canvas id of the related learning outcome.
learning_outcome_link_id The local Canvas id of the new learning outcome link.
workflow_state The workflow status of the learning outcome link, by default active.

Definition: The event is emitted anytime an outcome context link is changed by an end user or API request.

Trigger: Triggered when an outcome link is changed inside of a context.

Payload Example:

  "metadata": {
    "client_ip": "",
    "context_account_id": "21070000000000079",
    "context_id": "21070000000000565",
    "context_role": "TeacherEnrollment",
    "context_sis_source_id": "2017.100.101.101-1",
    "context_type": "Course",
    "event_name": "learning_outcome_link_updated",
    "event_time": "2019-11-01T19:12:12.060Z",
    "hostname": "oxana.instructure.com",
    "http_method": "POST",
    "producer": "canvas",
    "referrer": "https://oxana.instructure.com/courses/565/outcomes",
    "request_id": "1dd9dc6f-2fb0-4c19-a6c5-7ee1bf3ed295",
    "root_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "root_account_lti_guid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs.oxana.instructure.com",
    "root_account_uuid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs",
    "session_id": "ef686f8ed684abf78cbfa1f6a58112b5",
    "time_zone": "America/Sao_Paulo",
    "url": "https://oxana.instructure.com/api/v1/courses/565/outcome_groups/1001/outcomes",
    "user_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36",
    "user_id": "21070000000000001",
    "user_login": "oxana@example.com",
    "user_sis_id": "456-T45"
  "body": {
    "context_id": "565",
    "context_type": "Course",
    "learning_outcome_group_id": "1001",
    "learning_outcome_id": "1234",
    "learning_outcome_link_id": "12345",
    "updated_at": "2019-11-01T19:12:12.060Z",
    "workflow_state": "active"

Event Body Schema

Field Description
context_id The Canvas ID of the context the learning outcome is used in.
context_type The type of context the learning outcome is used in, usually Course.
learning_outcome_group_id The local Canvas id of the related learning outcome group.
learning_outcome_id The local Canvas id of the related learning outcome.
learning_outcome_link_id The local Canvas id of the learning outcome link that was updated.
updated_at The time that the learning outcome link was last modified.
workflow_state The workflow status of the learning outcome link (e.g. active, deleted)


Definition: The event is emitted anytime a submission is assessed against an outcome. The following setup should be enabled in Canvas in order for the event to be triggered:

  1. Administrator has set up learning outcomes at the account/sub-account level
  2. Instructor has added outcome to assignment rubric
  3. Student submitted a rubric based assignment
  4. Instructor graded a rubric based assignment at the outcome level => there is a result associated with assignment outcome

Trigger: Triggered when a submission is rated against an outcome.

Payload Example:

  "metadata": {
    "event_name": "learning_outcome_result_created",
    "event_time": "2019-08-09T21:35:05Z",
    "job_id": "1020020528469291",
    "job_tag": "Quizzes::SubmissionGrader#update_outcomes",
    "producer": "canvas",
    "root_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "root_account_lti_guid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs.oxana.instructure.com",
    "root_account_uuid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs"
  "body": {
    "assessed_at": "2019-08-09T21:35:05Z",
    "attempt": 1,
    "created_at": "2019-08-09T21:35:05Z",
    "learning_outcome_id": "1",
    "mastery": true,
    "original_mastery": false,
    "original_possible": 5,
    "original_score": 5,
    "percent": 1,
    "possible": 5,
    "score": 5,
    "title": "oxana Student 2, Test Outcome"

Event Body Schema

Field Description
assessed_at The date when the outcome was last assessed.
attempt The submission attempt number.
created_at Time when the result was created.
learning_outcome_id The local Canvas ID of the learning outcome.
mastery True if student achieved mastery.
original_mastery True if student achieved mastery on the first attempt.
original_possible Possible points on the first attempt.
original_score Score on the first attempt.
percent Percent of maximum points possible for an outcome, scaled to reflect any custom mastery levels that differ from the learning outcome.
possible Total number of points possible.
score The student's score.
title Title of the learning outcome.


Definition: The event is emitted anytime a existing outcome rating for a submission is updated. Only changes to the fields included in the body of the event payload will emit the updated event.

Trigger: Triggered when a submission outcome rating is updated.

Payload Example:

  "metadata": {
    "event_name": "learning_outcome_result_updated",
    "event_time": "2019-08-09T21:35:05Z",
    "job_id": "1020020528469291",
    "job_tag": "RubricAssessment#update_outcomes_for_assessment",
    "producer": "canvas",
    "root_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "root_account_lti_guid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs.oxana.instructure.com",
    "root_account_uuid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs"
  "body": {
    "assessed_at": "2019-08-09T21:35:05Z",
    "attempt": 1,
    "created_at": "2019-08-09T21:35:05Z",
    "learning_outcome_id": "1",
    "mastery": true,
    "original_mastery": false,
    "original_possible": 5,
    "original_score": 5,
    "percent": 1,
    "possible": 5,
    "score": 5,
    "title": "oxana Student 2, Test Outcome",
    "updated_at": "2019-11-01T00:21:24Z"

Event Body Schema

Field Description
assessed_at The date when the outcome was last assessed.
attempt The submission attempt number.
created_at Time when the result was created.
learning_outcome_id The local Canvas ID of the learning outcome.
mastery True if student achieved mastery.
original_mastery True if student achieved mastery on the first attempt.
original_possible Possible points on the first attempt.
original_score Score on the first attempt.
percent Percent of maximum points possible for an outcome, scaled to reflect any custom mastery levels that differ from the learning outcome.
possible Total number of points possible.
score The student's score.
title Title of the learning outcome.
updated_at Time the learning outcome result was updated at.


Definition: The event is emitted anytime an outcome is updated by an end user or API request. Only changes to the fields included in the body of the event payload will emit the updated event.

Trigger: Triggered when an outcome is updated.

Payload Example:

  "metadata": {
    "client_ip": "",
    "event_name": "learning_outcome_updated",
    "event_time": "2019-11-01T21:42:55.950Z",
    "hostname": "oxana.instructure.com",
    "http_method": "PUT",
    "producer": "canvas",
    "referrer": "https://oxana.instructure.com/courses/1234/outcomes",
    "request_id": "1dd9dc6f-2fb0-4c19-a6c5-7ee1bf3ed295",
    "root_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "root_account_lti_guid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs.oxana.instructure.com",
    "root_account_uuid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs",
    "session_id": "ef686f8ed684abf78cbfa1f6a58112b5",
    "time_zone": "America/Denver",
    "url": "https://oxana.instructure.com/api/v1/outcomes/12345",
    "user_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36",
    "user_id": "21070000000000001",
    "user_login": "oxana@example.com",
    "user_sis_id": "456-T45"
  "body": {
    "calculation_int": 65,
    "calculation_method": "highest",
    "context_id": "1234",
    "context_type": "Course",
    "description": "Develop understanding of molecular and cell biology.",
    "display_name": "Learn molecular biology",
    "learning_outcome_id": "12345",
    "short_description": "Molecular biology knowledge",
    "title": "Molecular biology knowledge",
    "updated_at": "2019-11-01T21:42:55Z",
    "vendor_guid": "1",
    "workflow_state": "active",
    "rubric_criterion": {
      "description": "Molecular biology knowledge",
      "mastery_points": 3,
      "points_possible": 5,
      "ratings": [
          "description": "Exceeds Expectations",
          "points": 5
          "description": "Proficient",
          "points": 4
          "description": "Meets Expectations",
          "points": 3
          "description": "Nearing Expectations",
          "points": 2
          "description": "Developing",
          "points": 1
          "description": "Does Not Meet Expectations",
          "points": 0

Event Body Schema

Field Description
calculation_int Defines the variable value used by the calculation_method. Included only if calculation_method uses it.
calculation_method The method used to calculate student score.
context_id The ID of the context the learning_outcome is used in.
context_type The type of context the learning_outcome is used in.
description Description of the outcome.
display_name Optional friendly name for reporting.
learning_outcome_id The local Canvas ID of the learning outcome.
short_description Also the title of the outcome.
title The title of the learning outcome or learning outcome group.
updated_at The time at which this outcome was last modified in any way.
vendor_guid A custom GUID for the learning standard.
workflow_state Workflow status of the learning outcome. Defaults to active
rubric_criterion file.data_service_canvas_learning.html


Definition: The event is emitted anytime a new outcome_proficiency (mastery scale) is created by an end user or API request.

Trigger: Triggered when a new outcome_proficiency is saved.

Payload Example:

  "metadata": {
    "root_account_uuid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs",
    "root_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "root_account_lti_guid": "7db438071375c02373713c12c73869ff2f470b68.oxana.instructure.com",
    "user_login": "oxana@instructure.com",
    "user_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "user_sis_id": "456-T45",
    "user_id": "21070000000000001",
    "time_zone": "America/Denver",
    "context_type": "Account",
    "context_id": "21070000000000144",
    "context_sis_source_id": "2017.100.101.101-1",
    "context_account_id": "21070000000000079",
    "request_id": "1dd9dc6f-2fb0-4c19-a6c5-7ee1bf3ed295",
    "session_id": "ef686f8ed684abf78cbfa1f6a58112b5",
    "hostname": "oxana.instructure.com",
    "http_method": "POST",
    "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36",
    "client_ip": "",
    "url": "https://oxana.instructure.com/accounts/1/outcome_proficiency",
    "referrer": null,
    "producer": "canvas",
    "event_name": "outcome_proficiency_created",
    "event_time": "2020-08-18T23:28:24.396Z"
  "body": {
    "outcome_proficiency_id": "1",
    "context_type": "Account",
    "context_id": "1",
    "workflow_state": "active",
    "outcome_proficiency_ratings": [
        "outcome_proficiency_rating_id": "1",
        "description": "Exceeds Mastery",
        "points": 4.0,
        "mastery": false,
        "color": "127A1B",
        "workflow_state": "active"
        "outcome_proficiency_rating_id": "2",
        "description": "Mastery",
        "points": 3.0,
        "mastery": true,
        "color": "00AC18",
        "workflow_state": "active"
        "outcome_proficiency_rating_id": "3",
        "description": "Near Mastery",
        "points": 2.0,
        "mastery": false,
        "color": "FAB901",
        "workflow_state": "active"
        "outcome_proficiency_rating_id": "4",
        "description": "Below Mastery",
        "points": 1.0,
        "mastery": false,
        "color": "FD5D10",
        "workflow_state": "active"
        "outcome_proficiency_rating_id": "5",
        "description": "Well Below Mastery",
        "points": 0.0,
        "mastery": false,
        "color": "EE0612",
        "workflow_state": "active"

Event Body Schema

Field Description
outcome_proficiency_id The Canvas id of the outcome proficiency.
context_type The type of context the outcome proficiency is used in.
context_id The id of the context the outcome proficiency is used in.
workflow_state Workflow state of the outcome proficiency. E.g active, deleted.
outcome_proficiency_ratings An array of the associated ratings with this proficiency. Description, points, mastery, color, workflow_state, and outcome_proficiency_rating_id are required keys.


Definition: The event is emitted anytime an outcome_proficiency (mastery scale) is updated or its associated ratings are updated by an end user or API request.

Trigger: Triggered when an outcome_proficiency is saved.

Payload Example:

  "metadata": {
    "root_account_uuid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs",
    "root_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "root_account_lti_guid": "7db438071375c02373713c12c73869ff2f470b68.oxana.instructure.com",
    "user_login": "oxana@instructure.com",
    "user_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "user_sis_id": "456-T45",
    "user_id": "21070000000000001",
    "time_zone": "America/Denver",
    "context_type": "Account",
    "context_id": "21070000000000144",
    "context_sis_source_id": "2017.100.101.101-1",
    "context_account_id": "21070000000000079",
    "request_id": "1dd9dc6f-2fb0-4c19-a6c5-7ee1bf3ed295",
    "session_id": "ef686f8ed684abf78cbfa1f6a58112b5",
    "hostname": "oxana.instructure.com",
    "http_method": "POST",
    "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36",
    "client_ip": "",
    "url": "https://oxana.instructure.com/accounts/1/outcome_proficiency",
    "referrer": null,
    "producer": "canvas",
    "event_name": "outcome_proficiency_updated",
    "event_time": "2020-08-18T23:28:24.396Z"
  "body": {
    "outcome_proficiency_id": "1",
    "context_type": "Account",
    "context_id": "1",
    "workflow_state": "active",
    "updated_at": "2020-08-18T17:24:46-06:00",
    "outcome_proficiency_ratings": [
        "outcome_proficiency_rating_id": "1",
        "description": "Exceeds Mastery",
        "points": 4.0,
        "mastery": false,
        "color": "127A1B",
        "workflow_state": "active"
        "outcome_proficiency_rating_id": "2",
        "description": "Mastery",
        "points": 3.0,
        "mastery": true,
        "color": "00AC18",
        "workflow_state": "active"
        "outcome_proficiency_rating_id": "3",
        "description": "Near Mastery",
        "points": 2.0,
        "mastery": false,
        "color": "FAB901",
        "workflow_state": "active"
        "outcome_proficiency_rating_id": "4",
        "description": "Below Mastery",
        "points": 1.0,
        "mastery": false,
        "color": "FD5D10",
        "workflow_state": "active"
        "outcome_proficiency_rating_id": "5",
        "description": "Well Below Mastery",
        "points": 0.0,
        "mastery": false,
        "color": "EE0612",
        "workflow_state": "active"

Event Body Schema

Field Description
outcome_proficiency_id The Canvas id of the outcome proficiency.
context_type The type of context the outcome proficiency is used in.
context_id The id of the context the outcome proficiency is used in.
workflow_state Workflow state of the outcome proficiency. E.g active, deleted.
updated_at The time at which this proficiency was last modified in any way.
outcome_proficiency_ratings An array of the associated ratings with this proficiency. Description, points, mastery, color, workflow_state, and outcome_proficiency_rating_id are required keys.