<%= style %>

<%= HtmlTextHelper.escape_html(title) %>

    <% content[:items].each do |item| %>
  1. <% if item[:href] %> "><%= HtmlTextHelper.escape_html(item[:title]) %> <% else %>

    <%= HtmlTextHelper.escape_html(item[:title]) %>

    <% end %>
  2. <% end %>

<%= I18n.t("Back to Table of Contents") %>
<% if content[:locked] %> <% if content[:time_lock]%>

<%= I18n.t(<<-TEXT, datetime: friendly_date(Time.at(content[:unlock_at]).to_s)) This module is locked until %{datetime} TEXT %>

<% end %> <% if content[:prerequisites].present? %>

<%= I18n.t(<<-TEXT, prerequisites: display_prerequisites(content[:prerequisites])) This module is locked until completing all of the requirements for the following modules: %{prerequisites} TEXT %>

<% end %> <% else %>
<% content[:items].each do |item| %> <%= build(item) || content_tag(:div, I18n.t("%{item_name} is not currently supported", { item_name: HtmlTextHelper.escape_html(item[:title]) })) %>

"> <%= I18n.t("Back to %{title}", title: HtmlTextHelper.escape_html(title)) %>

<%= I18n.t("Back to Table of Contents") %>

<% end %> <% end %>