# Copyright (C) 2011 - present Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see
<%= course.name %> | <% if course.hide_final_grades? || (@grading_periods[course.id] && @grading_periods[course.id][:selected_period_id] == 0 && !course.display_totals_for_all_grading_periods?)%> -- <% elsif @grades[:student_enrollments][course.id] %> <%= I18n.n(@grades[:student_enrollments][course.id], percentage: true) %> <% else %> <%= t('no_grade', 'no grade') %> <% end %> | <% if @grading_periods[course.id] %> <%= render partial: "shared/grading_periods_selector", locals: {selected_period_id: @grading_periods[course.id][:selected_period_id], enrollment_id: enrollment.global_id, grading_periods: @grading_periods[course.id][:periods], all_grading_periods_option: course.display_totals_for_all_grading_periods?} %> <% end %> |
<%= context_user_name(enrollment.course, enrollment.user_id) %>, <%= enrollment.course.name %> | <% if enrollment.course.hide_final_grades? || (@grading_periods[enrollment.course_id] && @grading_periods[enrollment.course_id][:selected_period_id] == 0) && !enrollment.course.display_totals_for_all_grading_periods?%> -- <% elsif @grades&.dig(:observed_enrollments, enrollment.course_id, enrollment.user_id) %> <%= @grades[:observed_enrollments][enrollment.course_id][enrollment.user_id] %>% <% else %> <%= t('no_grade', 'no grade') %> <% end %> | <% if @grading_periods[enrollment.course_id] %> <%= render partial: "shared/grading_periods_selector", locals: {selected_period_id: @grading_periods[enrollment.course_id][:selected_period_id], enrollment_id: enrollment.global_id, grading_periods: @grading_periods[enrollment.course_id][:periods], all_grading_periods_option: enrollment.course.display_totals_for_all_grading_periods?} %> <% end %> |
<%= enrollment.course.name %> |
<% if @presenter.course_grade_summaries[enrollment.course_id][:score] %>
<%= n(@presenter.course_grade_summaries[enrollment.course_id][:score], percentage: true, precision: 2) %>
<%= t('average_grades', {:one => "average for 1 student", :other => "average for %{count} students"}, :count => @presenter.course_grade_summaries[enrollment.course_id][:students]) %>
<% else %>
<%= t('no_grades', 'no grades') %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to(t('links.teacher_activity', 'Student Interactions Report'), user_course_teacher_activity_url(@current_user, enrollment.course_id)) unless @presenter.course_grade_summaries[enrollment.course_id][:students].try(:zero?) %> |