<% # Copyright (C) 2011 - present Instructure, Inc. # # This file is part of Canvas. # # Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # # Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along # with this program. If not, see . %> <% content_for(:page_title) do %> <%= t("User Settings") %> <% end %> <% provide :right_side do %> <% if @current_user.registered? %> <%= render :partial => "ways_to_contact" %>

<%= t('links.edit_settings', "Edit Settings") %> <% mfa_settings = @user.mfa_settings(pseudonym_hint: @current_pseudonym) %> <% if mfa_settings != :disabled %> <%= @user.otp_secret_key ? t('links.reconfigure_mfa', "Reconfigure Multi-Factor Authentication") : t('links.configure_mfa', "Set Up Multi-Factor Authentication") %> <% end %> <% if mfa_settings == :optional && @user.otp_secret_key %> <%= t('links.disable_mfa', "Disable Multi-Factor Authentication") %> <% end %> <% if @user.otp_secret_key %> <%= t('links.otp_backup_codes', "Multi-Factor Authentication Backup Codes") %> <% end %> <%= t("Download Submissions") %> <% if @user.has_student_enrollment? && @domain_root_account && @domain_root_account.self_registration? && @user.grants_right?(@current_user, :generate_observer_pairing_code) %>
<% end %> <% if @domain_root_account.feature_allowed?(:epub_export) && !@domain_root_account.enable_offline_web_export? %> <%= link_to epub_exports_path, class: 'btn button-sidebar-wide' do %> <%= t("Download Course Content") %> <% end %> <% end %>
<% end %> <% end %> <% js_env folder_id: @user.profile_pics_folder.id, PASSWORD_POLICY: @domain_root_account.password_policy, PASSWORD_POLICIES: Hash[@password_pseudonyms.map{ |p| [p.id, p.account.password_policy]}], PROFILE: @user_data, INTERNATIONAL_SMS_ENABLED: @user.account.feature_enabled?(:international_sms) %> <% deferred_js_bundle :profile %> <% css_bundle :profile_edit, :pairing_code %> <% if service_enabled?(:avatars) %> <% if @user_data[:can_edit_avatar] %> <%= avatar(@user, url: '#', edit: true, class: "profile_pic_link #{@user.avatar_state}", title: t('titles.click_to_change_profile_pic', "Click to change profile pic"), sr_content: t('Click to change profile picture for %{display_name}', :display_name => @user.short_name)) %> <% else %> <%= avatar(@user, url: nil, edit: false, class: "profile_pic") %> <% end %> <% end %>

<%= t("%{user_with_genitive} Settings", :user => @user.short_name, :user_with_genitive => I18n.form_proper_noun_singular_genitive(@user.short_name)) %>

<%= form_for @user, :url => profile_path, :html => {:id => "update_profile_form", :style => "margin-bottom: 20px;", :class => 'form-inline'} do |f| %> <% editable_name = @user.user_can_edit_name? %> <%# even if @domain_root_account.settings[:can_add_pronouns] is false, we still want to let someone that has pronouns set to see this so they can unset them %> <% if @user.pronouns || @domain_root_account.settings[:can_add_pronouns] %> <% end %> <% active_email_channels = @email_channels.select { |cc| cc.active? } %> <% if active_email_channels.length > 1 %> <% end %> <% if available_locales.size > 1 %> <% end %> <% if @domain_root_account == Account.default %> <% end %> <% if !@password_pseudonyms.empty? %> <% end %>
<%= f.blabel :name, :en => "Full Name" %> id="name"<% end %> class="full_name <%= editable_name ? 'display_data' : 'edit_or_show_data' %>"><%=h @user.name %> <%= f.text_field :name, :class => "edit_data", :maxlength => 255, :size => 30, "aria-describedby" => "hints_name" if editable_name %>
<%= t('hints.name', "This name will be used for grading.") %>
<%= f.blabel :short_name, :en => "Display Name" %> id="short_name"<% end %> class="short_name <%= editable_name ? 'display_data' : 'edit_or_show_data' %>"><%=h @user.short_name %> <%= f.text_field :short_name, :class => "edit_data", :maxlength => 255, :size => 30, "aria-describedby" => "hints_short_name" if editable_name %>
<%= t('hints.short_name', "People will see this name in discussions, messages and comments.") %>
<%= f.blabel :sortable_name, :en => "Sortable Name" %> id="sortable_name"<% end %> class="sortable_name <%= editable_name ? 'display_data' : 'edit_or_show_data' %>"><%=h @user.sortable_name %> <%= f.text_field :sortable_name, :class => "edit_data", :maxlength => 255, :size => 30, "aria-describedby" => "hints_sortable_name" if editable_name %>
<%= t('hints.sortable_name', "This name appears in sorted lists.") %>
<%= f.blabel :pronouns, :en => "Pronouns" %> <%= @user.pronouns || t("None") %> <% if @domain_root_account.can_change_pronouns? %> <%= f.select( :pronouns, options_for_select(([[t("None"), '']] + @domain_root_account.pronouns + [@user.pronouns]).compact.uniq, @user.pronouns)) %> <% end %>
<%= t("This pronoun will appear after your name when enabled") %>
<%=h @default_email_channel.path %>
<%= f.blabel :locale, :en => "Language" %> <% no_language = t("System Default (%{language})", :language => available_locales[infer_locale(:root_account => @domain_root_account, :accept_language => request.headers['Accept-Language'])]) %> <%= @user.locale ? available_locales[@user.locale] : no_language %> <%= f.select :locale, [[no_language, nil]] + available_locales.invert.sort_by { |desc, _| Canvas::ICU.collation_key(desc) }, {:selected => @user.locale}, {:class => 'locale', "aria-describedby" => "hints_language"} %> <%= render :partial => 'shared/locale_warning' %>
<%= t('hints.language', "This will override any browser or account settings.") %>
<%= f.blabel :time_zone, :en => "Time Zone" %> <% if name = @user.time_zone.try(:name) %> <%= I18n.send(:translate, I18nTimeZone[name].keyify, name.dup) %> <% else %> <%= t(:none, "None") %> <% end %> <%= f.time_zone_select :time_zone, I18nTimeZone.us_zones, :model => I18nTimeZone, :default => (@domain_root_account.try(:default_time_zone) || "Mountain Time (US & Canada)") %>
<% end %> <% if @current_user.registered? %>

<%= t('headers.ways_to_log_in', "Ways to Log In") %>

<% @pseudonyms.each do |p| %> <% if p.first? || p.account_id %> <% end %> <% end %>
<%= t('headers.organization', "Organization") %> <%= t('headers.login', "Login") %>  
<%= p.account.name %> <%= p.unique_id %> "><%= image_tag "delete.png", :alt => t('Remove account from this profile') %>
<%= t('links.add_account', "Add Account") %>
<% if @user.associated_root_accounts.shard(@user).any? { |a| a.feature_enabled?(:allow_opt_out_of_inbox) } %>

<%= t('headers.inbox_opt_out', "Conversations Inbox Opt-out" ) %>

<% end %> <% unless (@domain_root_account && @domain_root_account.service_enabled?(:none)) %>

<%= t('headers.web_services', "Web Services") %>

<%= t(:web_services, <<-TEXT) Canvas can make your life a lot easier by tying itself in with the web tools you already use. Click any of the services in "Other Services" to see what we mean. TEXT %>


class="services-cell" <% else %> style="vertical-align: top; width: 50%; padding-<%= direction('right') %>: 20px;" <% end %> >

<%= t('headers.registered_services', "Registered Services") %>

<%= t(:no_registered_services, "No Registered Services") if @user.user_services.empty? %>
class="services-cell" <% else %> style="vertical-align: top; width: 50%; padding-<%= direction('left') %>: 20px;" <% end %> >

<%= t('headers.other_services', "Other Services") %>

<%= before_label(:other_services, "Click any service below to register") %> <% services = @user.user_services.map{|s| s.service} %>
  • "> <%= image_tag "google_drive_icon.png", :alt => '' %> <%= t('links.google_drive', "Google Drive") %>
  • "> <%= image_tag "skype_icon.png", :alt => '' %> <%= t('links.skype', "Skype") %>
  • "> <%= image_tag "twitter_icon.png", :alt => '' %> <%= t('links.twitter', "Twitter") %>
  • "> <%= image_tag "delicious_icon.png", :alt => '' %> <%= t('links.delicious', "Delicious") %>
  • "> <%= image_tag "diigo_icon.png", :alt => '' %> <%= t('links.diigo', "Diigo") %>
<% end %>

<%= before_label(:'headers.approved_integrations', "Approved Integrations") %>

<% if AccessToken.visible_tokens(@user.access_tokens).empty? %>
<%= t(:no_approved_integrations, <<-TEXT) Third-party applications can request permission to access the Canvas site on your behalf. As you begin authorizing applications you will see them listed here. TEXT %>
<% end %>
<%= t(:approved_integrations, <<-TEXT) These are the third-party applications you have authorized to access the Canvas site on your behalf: TEXT %> <%= render :partial => "access_token", :collection => AccessToken.visible_tokens(@user.access_tokens) %> <%= render :partial => "access_token" %>
<%= t('headers.application_abbrev', "App") %> <%= t('headers.purpose', "Purpose") %> <%= t('headers.dates', "Dates") %>    
<% unless @real_current_user %>
<%= t('buttons.new_access_token', "New Access Token") %>
<% end %>
<% else %> <% js_bundle :confirm_email %>

<%= t <<-TEXT, :email => @current_user.email, :wrapper => {'*' => '\1'} Before you can edit your profile, you need to verify your email address (%{email}) by clicking the link in the email we sent you. If you don't see it, *click to re-send the email*, and make sure to check your spam box. TEXT %>

<% end %>