<% if @assignment.submission_types && @assignment.submission_types.match(/online_upload/) %>
- <%= t 'links.submit.file_upload', "File Upload" %> <% end %> <% if @assignment.submission_types && @assignment.submission_types.match(/online_text_entry/) %>
- <%= t 'links.submit.text_entry', "Text Entry" %> <% end %> <% if @assignment.submission_types && @assignment.submission_types.match(/online_url/) %>
- <%= t 'links.submit.website', "Website URL" %> <% end %> <% if show_google_docs %>
- <%= t 'links.submit.google_doc', 'Google Doc' %> <% end %> <% if @assignment.submission_types && @assignment.submission_types.match(/media_recording/) %>
- <%= t 'links.submit.media', "Media" %> <% end %> <% (@external_tools[0,3] || []).each do |external_tool| %>
- <%= external_tool.label_for(:homework_submission, I18n.locale) %> <% end %> <% if @external_tools.length > 3 %>
- <%= t 'links.submit.external_tool', "More" %> <% end %>
<%= t 'instructions.online_url', "Copy and paste the link to the web site you'd like to submit for this assignment." %> <%= render :partial => "assignments/group_submission_reminder" if @assignment.has_group_category? %> | |
<%= blabel :submission, :url, :en => "Website URL" %> <%= text_field :submission, :url, :style => "min-width: 250px;" %> | |
<%= text_area :submission, :comment, :class => 'submission_comment_textarea', :placeholder => t('comments_placeholder', 'Comments...'), :title => t('additional_comments', 'Additional comments') %>
<%= t(:invalid_google_docs_domain, 'Invalid domain') %>
<%= t(:gmail_restriction_description, <<-END, domain: @domain_root_account.settings[:google_docs_domain]) Your account has restricted Google Doc submissions to Google accounts on the %{domain} domain. To submit this assignment with a Google Doc, you will need to reconfigure the Google Docs integration on your user settings page. END %>
<%= t 'instructions.google_docs', "Select the file from the list below." %> <%= render :partial => "assignments/group_submission_reminder" if @assignment.has_group_category? %> | |
<%= image_tag "ajax-loader-bar.gif", :alt => '' %>
<%= text_area :submission, :comment, :class => 'submission_comment_textarea', :placeholder => t('comments_placeholder', 'Comments...'), :title => t('additional_comments', 'Additional comments') %>
<%= t 'titles.media_recordings_disabled', "Media recordings are not enabled for this Canvas site" %>
<%= t 'messages.media_recordings_disabled', "Media recordings are not enabled for this Canvas site, and you will not be able to submit these types of assignments. Please contact your instructor about changing the settings for this assignment, or your system administrator about enabling media recordings." %>
<%= t 'instructions.media_recording', "Use the link below to record your submission. Click \"Save\" when you're finished and ready to submit." %> <%= render :partial => "assignments/group_submission_reminder" if @assignment.has_group_category? %> | |
<%= text_area :submission, :comment, :class => 'submission_comment_textarea', :placeholder => t('comments_placeholder', 'Comments...'), :title => t('additional_comments', 'Additional comments') %>
<%= t 'instructions.from_external_tool', "Select a tool from the list below to load and submit a resource provided by that tool." %> <%= render :partial => "assignments/group_submission_reminder" if @assignment.has_group_category? %> | |
<%= t('submission_url', "Submission:") %> <%= t('no_submission', 'No Submission Selected') %> <% if @assignment.allowed_extensions.present? -%> <% end -%> | |
<%= text_area :submission, :comment, :class => 'submission_comment_textarea', :style => "height: 16px;", :placeholder => t('comments_placeholder', 'Comments...'), :title => t('additional_comments', 'Additional comments') %>