<%= t 'headers.report_name', 'Name' %> | <%= t 'headers.report_last_run', 'Last Run' %> | |
<%= title %>
<% if description_partial %>
" style="display: none" class="report_description">
<%= render(partial: description_partial, locals: {
report: report,
report_details: details,
}) %>
<% end %>
<% if last_complete %> <%= datetime_string(last_complete.created_at) %> <%#the extra text is added so that you can give more than the date for the last run report %> <% if extra_text %> (<%= extra_text %>) <% end %> <% if last_complete.workflow_state == 'complete' %> <%= link_to "".html_safe, context_url(last_complete.account, :context_file_download_url, last_complete.attachment.id, download_frd: 1), 'aria-label' => t('Download Report'), 'title' => t('Download Report') %> <% end %> <% else %> <%= t 'report_last_run_never', 'Never' %> <% end %> | <% if parameters_partial %> <%= t 'links.configure_report', 'Configure...' %> <% else %> <% end %> |