% define_content :link do %> <%= appointment_group_url(asset) %> <% end %> <% define_content :subject do %> <%= t('subject', 'Appointment "%{appointment_name}" has been updated (%{course})', :appointment_name => asset.title, :course => asset.contexts_for_user(user).map(&:name).join(", ")) %> <% end %> <% define_content :footer_link do %> <%= t :link_text, 'Sign up for a time slot' %> <% end %>
<%= t :message, 'Time slots have been added to "%{appointment_name}" and are available for signup.', :appointment_name => asset.title %>
<%= t :details, 'Appointment Details' %>:
<%= t :dates, "Date(s)" %>: | <%= date_string(asset.start_at, asset.end_at, :no_words) %> |
<%= t "Signup Type" %>: | <%= asset.participant_type == 'Group' ? t(:group_signup, "Group (%{group_category})", :group_category => asset.sub_contexts.first.name) : t(:individual_signup, "Individual") %> |
<%= t :course, "Course" %>: | <%= asset.participant_type == 'Group' ? asset.contexts.first.name : asset.contexts_for_user(user).map(&:name).join(", ") %> |
<%= t :slots_remaining, 'Available time slots' %>: | <%= asset.available_slots(current_only: true) %> |