% define_content :link do %> <%= registration_confirmation_url(asset.user.communication_channel.confirmation_code) %> <% end %> <% define_content :subject do %> <%= t :subject, "Canvas Account Admin Invitation" %> <% end %> <%= t(:click_to_finish_registration, "Click here to finish the registration process") %> <% email = asset.user.email; login = (asset.user.pseudonym.unique_id rescue "none") %>
<%= t("You've been given an account role for the %{account} account at %{website}. Role type: %{role_type}.", :role_type => asset.readable_type, :account => asset.account.name, :website => HostUrl.context_host(asset.account)) %>
<%= t(:name, 'Name') %>: | <%= asset.user.name %> |
<%= t(:email, 'Email') %>: | <%= email %> |
<%= t(:username, 'Username') %>: | <%= login %> |
<%= t(:url_info_label, "You'll need to register with Canvas before you can participate as an account admin.") %>